Tuesday 31 October 2017

Slipstones Late Season

Monday October 30th

Keeping last week's Wednesday-Friday momentum going with a short day at the long lost local gritstone crag, Colsterdale's finest...
This venue has been creeping up the list of short day options for a while, it's finally made it to the number one slot. It used to deserve at least an annual visit on the roster up until about 2005.  No place for the weak of spirit.

A rather feeble and intermittent sun fails to get the temperature anywhere near gas mark 1 despite a 12.30 start.

A few gropes up a short steep VDiff were promptly rebuffed through feelingless fingers and a crumpled confidence level.  The Diff next door succumbed to some desperate moves.  Suddenly remembered why it had been so long.......

How did he get up there?!?

BP warms himself up on a steep and intimidating HS 4b.

An inspiring effort. 

Shame none of the drive, willpower and technique was absorbed by the second.  Managed to retrieve the gear though.

Another adjacent route proved harrowing, but possible

A photomontage
(all pixels contemporaneous, give or take)

BP gets himself super imposed.

That's the way to do it.

The crag could be great in good weather

Jack the Lad follows the LH arete

A fine VS goes up behind the climber, one to come back for.

Finishing off a testing afternoon on the pleasant Tommy's Dilemma.

The Black Swan at Fearby is a great spot for recovery, the log burner was duly worshipped

CB shows the way in the early 90's

The low grades and meterage give no clue to the damage done to mind body and soul.....