Saturday 28 October 2017

Autumn Gold Rush

Friday 27th October

A one day high pressure wonder.  Fortunately able to crowbar another day out at short notice, taking advantage of the cerulean skies, dazzling rays, gentle breeze and imperious rock at;

Stanage Edge
Along with a car park full of other parties with the same idea.  Nonetheless there's plenty of great climbing enough to go round.

Oblique Crack
Albert's Wall
Leaning Buttress Crack
Garden Wall
Chockstone Direct
Beech Tree Wall
Flying Buttress

 Ready to Rack

AT having a sudden struggle on Leaning Buttress

Some sort of rhythm finally sets in just before the top

BP on Garden Wall

Refusing to be distracted by the stream of conciousness running self commentary brain dump from the climber on an adjacent route, could the moves be done?  Or not? Was it right to be worried?  Or not?  Is that cam ok?  Or not?  Etc. Etc.

And etc.

Said climber still on the route one hour later........

Varied Climbing

Strenous start

Tricky transition up and left

A fine open finishing wall

Good value

AT had a look at Via Media at VS4c

But the soaring line of this easier route seemed more compelling.

The pre-placed high side runners brought this VS4c down to size........

AT treats himself this top 50 über classic


Just time for two in a row by BP

Going well at the eponymous chockstone

Difficulties overcome in tidy style

Quit the crag just as the Sheffield nine to fivers arrived on a flyer to catch a short session before the clocks go back
