Wednesday 19 July 2017

Eastby All Stars

Tuesday 18th July

Last day of the hot spell, domestic stuff getting in the way of a full day out so crow-barred in a half day at
Eastby Crag
Conditions considerably more benign than the abortive visit earlier in the year.  All routes well starred - quality making up for quantity given the limited time.

BP gets started on the tricky transition round the roof on the classic Pillar Rib

An abundance of inviting cracks.

But getting a good placement proving surprisingly tricky.

Still plenty to do from here

The bold slab at VS P3 no gear best left alone in favour of the well protected left hand crack

The off width finish?  No thanks.

Stepped across up the left hand ramp much more amenable

Some tempting (sh)apes in prospect

Interesting, varied climbing

The slabby middle section leads to a fine

Still time left to pop up another 3 star classic - a contender for the best Yorkshire VDiff

Would be rude not to...

VS finish up the right ignored with a view getting to the pub in good time for the onward trip north

Killinghall to Winston driving sounds