Friday 14 July 2017

Christmas Cracker!

Wednesday 12th July
Lakes calling!
After a glut of grit venues it feels like a trip out west is overdue.  BP leads a quest for terra incognita and the team signs up for a day out in the backwoods of Borrowdale.  The venue is found in a sylvian setting around Kings How on the fells east of Grange. The walk in passes a gloomy looking Black Crag and pushes on up to the the sun soaked ribs and walls of;
Christmas Crag

 Messrs P and B head off the beaten track

The crag comes into view in about 45 mins
10 mins to go

CB gets straight on the case

Christmas Rib HVS 5b
The moves to here are proper hard
BP leans in and plays close attention
At the edge of gullibility

A bit bold up to here

Finally two good units keep things cooking

BP roasts a way up the hard moves

A tricky transition left on a good side pull coming up.

Good climbing

It can be done!

BP straight into the next course, a well protected 4c to get tucked into.

The crag looks out across a mouth watering vista


The interest is sustained most of the way to the belay

AT brings the grades back down another level

Just enough gear to keep happy

Variation finish stepping out right at 2/3 height adds a bit of spice

CB back in front

Fizzing away on Alka Salsa at HVS 5a

BP gets his dose of rock dancing

Much steeper than it looks from this angle

Another good route a few metres left

Sherry Trifle HVS 5a

Can't be passed up

Video below
(click bottom right for full screen)

 So time to move on to check out the lower tier.  In hindsight this was not a good idea.  Played lip service with just one route, CB again in the lead on another HVS 5a.  Two pieces of gear in 15m.

BP follows with an element of surprise...

Who in his right mind would lead up there?


 Walk out

Upper Black Crag now much more inviting

Party visible on Troutdale Pinnacle

More pics here

Happy Christmas
Sherry Trifle
Alka Salsa
Christmas Pudding
Christmas Rib
(Yule Be Surprised not in shot)

Stand Still