Friday 2 June 2017

Please Sir can I have Some Moor

Thursday June 1st

A longish layoff for both of us, feeling the need to keep the comfort zone as big as possible - cue one of the default local options - the reliably welcoming Wainstones - but feeling a bit moorish so the extra helpings on offer over on Ravens Scar were too tempting to turn down.

Figured the ever improbable Sphinx Nose Traverse would do for starters

The bow in the blue rope is a clue to the way the wind was starting to get a bit tasty

But those pants are hot!

BP keeps cool, not making a meal of it, stuffing it with some top gear


Lingered around for a couple more routes before the wind got too much

Hungry for moor.....  so popped over to Ravenscar

Only to find we'd been beaten to it by Cleveland's very own Mr TM and partner Mr MT, seen at Scugdale a few weeks back.

TM shows the way on Waterslide 
© Tony Marr

Had to get it done....

AT latches the crucial side pull to start the big rock over onto the second shelf.

The route above offers some welcome gear

(Contrary to UKC description)

Good value

The new DMM offsets went down well at both venues, very confidence inspiring bits of kit

More gear

BP followed with a determined wire brush

Left it better than we found it

Even the descent path got a good seeing to

BP on the fantastic Forest Face

Resolved to come back later this year for more of these under travelled routes