Tuesday 27 June 2017

Brimham full of action

Monday 26th June
Had aimed to be out on Sunday but way too windy, Monday a much better bet , make the most of it - the rest of the week looks pretty grim.  CB tied up at the dentist in Thirsk at noon so it seemed like a good place to rendezvous would be the brilliant playground of
Brimham Rocks

Cubic Block exerts its usual magnetism as the GO-TO sector at the start of the day's efforts

AT on Heather Wall

BP gets the sums right on Square Root

Cubic Corner - solved with friends from the right dimension

BP applied some precision and comes up with the answer

Re-locate to Cannon Rock.
CB materialises and gives the team a third dimension.

BP in fine form on Maloja

 BP in action

CB makes the traverse moves in a v fine position

Managed to walk past the jamming test piece of RH crack and lured the gang to Birch Tree Wall.

It's still a classic.

Camped for a while to fiddle with small gear at the back of the big break

A delicate traverse leads to the wall and a hunt for gear

A few more moves yield a solid placement

CB sorts out the jamming crux on Right Wall

Exit via flutes under the roof and out right

After a couple of desperate mantles the steep jamming crack comes as something of a relief

A few minutes walk out to Allans Crack

It's BP's lead - phew!!

Hard moves lead up.......

....to really hard moves from here out left to an undercut hold

Strenous climbing and getting gear sorted

The angle eases briefly to a
rest - of sorts

More steep moves lead to a pleasant slab and the top in fifteen feet or so


Brilliant effort - top of the grade and more

Time for another

Awkward moves to here

AT fixes focus on the foothold

No muffed moves till the belay please

Fagged out!


That CB gives us the grade creeps

More pics here