Monday 10 April 2017

Social Climbing

Sunday April 9th

The one day of summer heat in April arrived as promised by the Met-Men.  Taking no chances after Thursday's Eastby retreat - so headed for guaranteed shelter and sun on offer at;
Numerous groups already in action, after all it is a warm Sunday at a user friendly crag.  Plenty of chat about who's doing what next, mostly no problems getting on to the right routes.  Pretty noisy with persistent barking dog and overlapping climbing calls.  But a good venue as the wind got stronger through the day - the edges would have been wild.

Three Trees Route
HS 4b

Rather taxing.

The layback in the shadow above requires commitment

Usually avoided by devious moves up right.

Stop mincing about and get up there!

By 12.15 the sun was out on the slab

Along with the world and his wife
The lines of Limpopo Groove, Gingerbread and Meringue follow the corner, arete and crack in the left of this pic

All very different in style

VS 4b

Delicate moves up to here, and more of the same higher up

The good news is there are 5 good nuts on the route......

The bad news goes without saying

Steady head, hands and feet holding it together for the last 15 feet or so

Climbers on Great Harry (left) and Suspense (E2 5c)

AT does his best to be the Boss on Nova (HS 4b)

Good gear and some thought provoking transitions between small ledges

BP gets the Power on Tyrone (VS 4c)

Limpopo Groove (VS 4b)

Dry and ungreasy for a change

BP gets 9 bomb proof wires in 10 metres

Here's one!

"There was so much gear.... if I came off  I''d have fallen upwards....."

* on top rope

To be played at maximum volume