Monday 3 April 2017

Borrowdale Blitz

Sunday April 1st

Weather window opens and the 2017 outside season gets under way without delay!  The aim being to minimise walking and maximise climbing, Wodens Face seemed like a good bet.  Repelled by heavy seepage and switched to Steel Knotts, then back to a dried WF for one more route.  Turned into a bit of a blitzkrieg sort of day.

Steel Knots
30 mins from Grange

Steel Knotts

Ambling Ant (L)
Fine open climbing

Route 2 (R)
Hard start up a steep corner crack
Technical finish

Climber visible centre pic on Route 1 (HVS 5a)

Route 2

First corner is pretty stiff

Easier climbing leads to a short finishing wall with some very technical but well protected moves to a spacious ledge and block belay backed up with bomproof hex and wires.

BP moves out of the third corner ready to deal with the tricky finish

That bottom corner is a beast!

Once started there is no going back.

Great views northwards up Borrowdale

AT checks out the moves and gear up the corner on Ambling Ant

Goldfinger in the corner on blue

Solid friend on red gets clipped

Good to go!

More pleasant climbing and bomb proof gear.


Leave SK at 15.10, Ready to climb WF 16.10

BP wiggles in a number 1
Backed up with something a bit smaller

Fortunately gear gets better and better

Steep, sustained climbing up to a good foothold

Ready to committ to the crux, a sharp lay away with precision footwork leads to a big PHEW and a steady finish.

Going well in the new shirt!