Friday 9 September 2016

Seaside and Out

Extended stay coming to a close, what a spell!
Great weather mostly
Together the People Festival Sunday 5th
Abortive attempt to ride the i360 (It broke down!)
Trip to Arundel
Walking the Devils Dike on the Downs
Cinema One More Time with Feeling
Eats at Polpos, Planet India again, exchanging meals in with V&P
Visit Hove Art Gallery
Cheerio Amber and Tom at #5
SWIMMING!! with V and B
Work on bathroom under  way
Sofa no show!!!
Apart from last item ALL GOOD!

Together The People

Hooky rocks Preston Park!

Beach life

We're Domed!

Down the Devil Dike Drive

Plenty scope for good days out up here!

Nice pub down round the corner in the valley


More pics here

One More Time with Feeling

iPhone lens not up to a right angle for the i360

Blowing a hooly on the front
Hat tied on tight