Wednesday 21 September 2016

Holy Rock

19th September
Recovered from Thursdays bake off - climate returning to seasonal averages thank God - so in that spirit set the co-ordinates for St John's in the Vale and a repeat visit to.....
Church Crag
NB and PM a visited few weeks ago,
NB and AT back in a very cold Feb 2103

Unfortunately pics somewhat AT-centric
Will have to invest in some remote control bluetooth triggered gadget

Playground LR
Cottontail VD
Carricks Climb D
Confidence D
Roger Rabbit VS 4b
Flopsy MVS 4b
All about 12m and with very shiny bolt belays all across the top made for a user friendly session and satisfying climbing

AT bolted in at top of Cottontail.
Blencathra provides an omnipotent background.

Confidence building. Faith in friction is easy to find in this micro-granite medium.

Roger Rabbit at VS 4b looked in need of a bit of a fettle before getting on the lead

Finally found something useable to provide an acceptable margin of safety. a number 2 wire and a medium cam combo.


Gear in

Chalk up

A couple more moves and .........

.....prayers answered with two more God-given placements

That old time religion is good enough for me

It's good enough for you

Photomontage alert

Crux on Flopsy
One good wire, made sure it set, didn't kick it out.
(cf last visit)

Holds are up there

All you got to do is believe

Just a quickstep to the right then time for a big

A full 7 minute walk back to the car
Bramcrag Quarry, with its fully bolted Devil's work, catches the late sun left of centre
Get behind me Satan.

Horse and Farrier - outlook
Best not to mention the bench episode

Various Guitar Greats