Tuesday 19 April 2016

Scot Crags and Co

Tuesday April 19

BP up for some local action after a long trip to Melrose on Monday

Great weather on the NY Moors and in good company with Tony M, Mike T (Cleveland CMC) and Les D (Harrogate regular)

Scot Crags

A testing circuit making the most of the Harrogate training on a series of fine routes, some in less than perfect condition given some recent heavy rain up there, all adds to the sport.

BP on some very delicate moves on Pingers (VS 5a)
before finding a way to better holds in the break

AT tries to figure out the physics on the sapping finish of Gravity Wall (HS 4b)

Newton had a point

UKC says head left from here

BP gets deep and dirty on Tooth and Nail (HS 4c) would be VS but for the option to bridge on the left wall.

But that's for wimps, going instead direct in fine style up this steep and sustained route that never lets up

The finishing crack demands a solid jam, it's longer than it looks from below