Thursday 21 April 2016

Make Mine a Double

Wednesday April 20th
Two days out in a row!  Making the most of possibilities with high pressure in charge this week.  Another day with Mr Blue Sky - the choice of crag seems a bit predictable however the plan involved NB exploring some new terrain at
Shepherds Crag
So giving today's outing the additional dimensions of variety and uncertainty to offset the familiarity of this regular venue.
All in two pitches
What - no Brown Slabs!

Little Chamonix
AT settling in to the rhythm of the route and contrasting climbing

NB leading out into the dazzling sunlight at the top of P3 before continuing to the top

Another belay bypassed.....!
NB moves up to the belay on P1 of Derision Groove (MVS 4b) and opts to hand on to AT for P2 this time.

Some fine positions on this pitch

Derision Groove P2

A powerful move past the spike lead to a contrasting series of delicate side pulls, underclings and small footholds giving access to the final ramp

This pic from previous ascent on another glorious day in July 2011.
Fortunately a couple on the girdle traverse showed due consideration whilst climbing through

A.N Other gains the final ramp (using a higher line)
© Paul Ross, UKC 31 Mar 2016

(PR confirms that this line is easier!)

Ant Highway
© Smudge03, 25 Mar 2016

Climbing the rather strenuous first few metres, testing moves to here then two essential cams and another move up reveals a welcome jug before pulling through.



It's that pic again! 
