Saturday 13 June 2015

Friday on my mind

Friday June 12th

Monday morning feels so bad
Everybody seems to nag me
Comin' Tuesday I'll feel better
Even my old man looks good
Wednesday just won't go
Thursday goes too slow

I've got Friday on my mind!

With a bit of juggling managed to crow bar in this weeks climbing day, and grabbing the last of the recent high pressure good weather spell.  Worked through a long list of options out west, ruling most of them out as being too far, too ambitious, or too unknown.

So settled(?) for a Borrowdale Multicrag.

Black Crag.
Troutdale Pinnacle Direct (VS 4b, 4c)

A few people at the crag, fortunately on different routes, although this didn't prevent some wrangling over crossed ropes and shared belays owing to some lack of consideration by a veteran pair; and a novice party making very slow progress.  Fair play to the latter who were very laid back about it all.

Black Crag route, (dotted line shows pitch behind the pinnacle)

AT working out moves up the steep bit on P1

BP laps up the dazzling light and impeccable rock on P2

Unknown climber on Brown Crag Eliminate E15b

Note rather worrying absence of gear, however at least a good wire is in by his right foot.

Perched on pinnacle

Think have been here before....

But what a spot - great to be back!

Over at Shepherds Crag
The legs are out


Consistently difficult moves?

Proper steep

AT takes it to the bridge with some kinky leg action

And again....

Hip joints still seem to be rotating

Thank God the gussets are also sound
Nick Cave
"I discovered Leonard Cohen with Songs of Love and Hate. In the past, I only listened to my brother’s records. I liked what he liked, followed him like a sheep. Leonard Cohen was the first one I discovered by myself. He is the symbol of my musical independence.  The sadness of Cohen was inspiring, it gave me a lot of energy. I always remember all this when someone says that my records are morbid or depressing".
Indeed it does