Monday 8 June 2015

An old Waincoat will never let you down

June 3rd
Since last week's Peak trip been decidedly under par with a gastric bug of some sort. So played safe with a trip to local venue - scene of outside debut on 1998. 
Owing to camera taking up temporary residence in the Jet Miners a full blog will follow in due course. 
Meanwhile here is BP reclining on a windswept bit of rock at the end of a busy day at the office. 

Camera recovered...
BP makes crux moves on Ling Corner (HS 4a)

Brilliant light shows up all the features on 
Sphinx Nose Traverse (S 4a)
BP gives the eye the eye

Committing to the hard move up
on Christopher (VS 4b)

After some struggling, eventually a bit of harsh language got himself up to the critical undercut hold

Something like
For F's sake get up the F'ng F'er the B'strd C!!

After which normal service is resumed

And it's just a small matter of sorting out the sequence for the step around the bulge into the pleasant finishing groove


Thanks to Blokeonarope (UKC) for this sequence of pics

Said bloke borrows some pro and following a top rope try out gets on the lead on
Lemming Slab (E45c)
It's a long way to up any gear

A solid jam rest before the final hard moves to the top
Good effort!

Finished off with a couple of routes on the Broughton face in a futile attempt to escape the wind

AT on Morning Wall
(S 4a)
Big friend protects this awkward move

BP shows great certainty on Tiny's Dilemma (S 4b)

A soloist on the same route some other time
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