Monday 27 April 2015

Return of El Andalucian and El Greco

Monday 27th April

Squeezed in a short day at Scugdale.  Energetic English photons more than a match for them in the Med; however the air here is imported from Greenland.  Both BP and CB resetting thermostats.

Five Buttresses visited.  Lost count of routes done.  Many of the usual suspects except the pokey Mantleshelf demonstrated expertly by CB.

Razor Rib HVD
BP moves up with customary sharpness

Razor Wall HS4c
CB pockets some delicate double digit moves

The eponymous "Mantleshelf" - never got up this one previously.

Right! - Now rock over and mantle as if your life depended on it.

Used up one life and got it second go - a desperate Severe 4c

Moving along to....
Oak Tree Wall HS4a
CB looks for a half decent jug to make the rather tenuous finishing moves.  Managed to find a shallow egg cup.

AT having generously handed over the lead after getting completely pumped in the course of selflessly placing the required pro.  Give Give Give as usual.

Just to the left
Saint's Wall S4a
BP taking care to make another tricky finish look a doddle
The route up the wall to the left was also seen off at VS4b
Also Pet's Corner at VS4b and Whippet Wall at VS4c

Wind got up along the edge so retired whilst going is good.