Thursday 16 April 2015

Borrowdale Sport Plan

Rarely seen out together, these two classics.  Is this what they mean by sport climbing?

AT at FB hooking up with NB and PM fresh from BA and SD
(Need a BA in TLAs to get all that)
Pinging day out west.

Logistics meant a later start on first route at Wodens at 12.30.  A couple of severes then a walk back to Quayfoot Buttress for the sub classic VDiff of the crag.  So all the ingredients for BORROWDALE MULTICRAG...!  NB and AT shared the stress of two pretty greasy pitches on QB but all team members up in good order - grade for the day running at about 4b in the conditions we reckon.

NB about to top out on Wimpey Way

AT puzzling the initial problem moves

Working Woden's Face

A short steepening on the very amenable slabby wall

PM finding some early season form

NB followed direct over the bulky perched block for a bit of sport

Then on to Quayfoot Buttress

First pitch initially dry but the finishing groove of P2 rather dripping.(no sign of the arete described in the guide)

NB catching some rays on belay top of P2.......

.....and looks on as AT tries to mask rising enthusiasm for the wet rock just round this corner

Skiddaw lofts mightily in the distance.

All in all two gripping pitches somewhat outside the VDIFF envelope

Fast drive back