Monday 15 July 2013

Local Action on the Moors

Sunday 14th July
North Yorkshire moors
Raven's Scar

Forest face HS4b (AT,BP)
Harlot's Groove VS4c (BP,AT)
En passant S4a (AT,BP)
Moby Dick HS4b (BP,AT)

Forest Face in similar conditions

© lissymanners, UKC May 2013

Another climber about to feel his way up Harlot's Groove in 2007
 © Simon Caldwell, Aug 2007
This route significantly greener now, quite desperate, a fine effort by Mr P

BP gives Moby Dick the brush off
(or Vice Versa?)

Pleasant company with locals (FC and DW) doing some hard stuff
En Passant
Moby Dick
Forest Face
Harlot's Groove