Thursday 25 July 2013


Wednesday 24th July
Wriggly drive up the Wrynose pass to
Long Scar
Intruder's Corner VD (NB)
Platt Gang Groove HD (PM)
Sam's Saunter VD (AT)

Katy's Dilemma S (AT/NB combined)
Routes shown below (right to left) Katy's dilemma far left

AT saunters upwards after some rather thin starting moves

PM joins the Platt Gang

Click here  for time lapse version

NB feeling groovy

NB works on some good gear

To go or not to go.
That is the Dilemma!

 PM gets the GO-CODE

Crag Types

Fabulous outlook from the crag on the slopes of Pike O'Blisco across to Weatherlam, Swirl How, Great Carrs

Pixels by Partners Inc.