Sunday 28 July 2013

Lonsdale short

Saturday 27th July
Short walk from KL

About 5 miles
Bit Scrappy in parts

Near Casterton

4 miles in...

Just in time - the Pheasant Inn, Casterton

Thursday 25 July 2013


Wednesday 24th July
Wriggly drive up the Wrynose pass to
Long Scar
Intruder's Corner VD (NB)
Platt Gang Groove HD (PM)
Sam's Saunter VD (AT)

Katy's Dilemma S (AT/NB combined)
Routes shown below (right to left) Katy's dilemma far left

AT saunters upwards after some rather thin starting moves

PM joins the Platt Gang

Click here  for time lapse version

NB feeling groovy

NB works on some good gear

To go or not to go.
That is the Dilemma!

 PM gets the GO-CODE

Crag Types

Fabulous outlook from the crag on the slopes of Pike O'Blisco across to Weatherlam, Swirl How, Great Carrs

Pixels by Partners Inc.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Fave Rave

July 22nd

BP arrives GB with long list
By Rheged narrowed down to today's GO-TO favourite sport plan
The Great Langdale Bake Off at
Raven and East Raven Crags

Oak Tree Wall S (AT, BP) - via original route P1-2
Jingo MVS4b (AT)
Baskerville VS4c (BP)
Ophidea VS4c (BP)

AT moving up P1
(Original Route)

Oak Tree Wall

On belay

BP ready to cry havoc and let loose on 2nd crux of Baskerville

Some tough moves for 3m
lead to a good rest

Ophidea more amenable after a poky start

on the TT top down trip home

More Lough Stuff

From Crag Lough to Loughrigg
21st July

Loughrigg trail trial



Saturday 20 July 2013

Frazzle Rock

Friday 19th July
30 deg C in Keswick on arrival at 13.45......

Black Crag, Borrowdale

Troutdale Pinnacle
 NB committing to the crux on P4

AT P1,3,5 
(P1 central crack variation)
NB P2,4,6

Just us
No hold ups from parties in front or pressure from behind
All done in good order
Drop those hips ladies

Walking out about 7.15pm

Iced water in the bag that keeps on giving

Still stuck in this time warp stuff!

Thursday 18 July 2013

Solid Rock

July 17th
Crag Lough

West Corner S4a         (AT)
Original Route S4a       (BP)
Hadrian's Recess S4a   (AT)
Jezebel Direct MVS4b  (BP)
Main Wall HS4b           (AT)

Did our best to avoid any Dire Straits
All routes pretty committing, grades feel generally understated but probably fair once accustomed to the niceties of the very solid yet sometimes worrying whinstone sill.

AT on West Corner


Amenably up Original Route

View of Hadrian's Recess (large crack in shadow)

Same route - large dark crack towards right

In the recess

Eighth piece of gear going in

Locals manage with three it seems

BP on second crux of Jezebel Direct

Lower crack in left foreground very testing

Topped out


Big Single Pitch

Quite adventurous

AT searching for the Main Line
Just Like a Rolling Stone

Invasjon av de norske hordene

16 Juli 2013
Besøk hos Bestemor

  Tre generasjoner

fire generasjoner

Alle nydelig!

Livet på stranden 

Monday 15 July 2013

Local Action on the Moors

Sunday 14th July
North Yorkshire moors
Raven's Scar

Forest face HS4b (AT,BP)
Harlot's Groove VS4c (BP,AT)
En passant S4a (AT,BP)
Moby Dick HS4b (BP,AT)

Forest Face in similar conditions

© lissymanners, UKC May 2013

Another climber about to feel his way up Harlot's Groove in 2007
 © Simon Caldwell, Aug 2007
This route significantly greener now, quite desperate, a fine effort by Mr P

BP gives Moby Dick the brush off
(or Vice Versa?)

Pleasant company with locals (FC and DW) doing some hard stuff
En Passant
Moby Dick
Forest Face
Harlot's Groove

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Grey Dazzle

Tuesday 9th July
Grey Crag

Meet Booths 8.45, depart Gatesgarth 9.35
590m ascent - 2.7km
Arrive Crag 11.45 - 2hrs 10m walk in

Hot  - 25C plus
Fortiter MVS 4b (BP)
Double Pod MVS 4b (AT)
University Challenge VS 4c (BP,AT)
Click on pics for full effect, left right arrows to scroll

On the walk in, aiming for the crag top right


BP set for crux moves


AT casts for pod 2

BP past starter for ten on University Challenge

Bold moves to bonus belay

Hand over to AT for last pitch

Pic omits yawning abyss below
Best not to look

Gratefully left onto magnificent final arete

Well and truly Bambered!
Mr Mountain himself

 Walking out
65 minutes
Oddfellows or bust

University Challenge (top pitch only visible)
Double Pod
more pictures here
Driving sounds
see also
David Bowie Is