Wednesday 19 June 2013


Tuesday 18 June
Swirl Crag, Thirlmere

A fine outlook across the lake, catching the afternoon sun

The First One VS 4b (AT)
Midge Wall HS (BP)
Ballet Mecanique VS 4c (BP)
Runs HS (BP)
Knackers Yard HS (AT)

BP getting The Runs

NB holding it in.

NB Running through

AT reining in the Knackers Yard

Varied, interesting

BP biting back on Midge Wall

Terrific route

AT sneaks a naughty midgy foothold on the First One

BP Nureyeving up the Ballet Mecanique

See also composite clip here
(Nice work NB)

He belayed lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills


Some climbs may contain moderate horror