Saturday 29 June 2013

Duddon-Esk Crag Fest

Sunday 23rd June - Wednesday 26th June
Four years since Black Sail
Full team go flat out in Wibble 2.
Four consecutive days climbing from Brantrake Base, Eskdale

Just Another Diamond Day
Sunday pm
Beaten back fron Brantrake Crags by a phantom peregrine - so headed up to the Diamond Crags area for some looseners.

Diamond Geezer shows the way

Dual valley multi-crag
Hopped over the Birker Pass and headed up to
Wallowbarrow Crag
Wall and Corner 4 pitches VD
Trinity Slabs (2 pitches)

NB gets the party started
Wall and Corner

BP high on Trinity Slabs P2

PMcG romping on

Return to Eskdale for evening climbing at
Hare Crag 
Fireball XL5 MVS4b
Easy Slab VD

BP getting spaced out on planet Granatoid
NB hares up Easy Slab
Wonderful climbing

PMcG finds some friction
Later on in the King George for slap up food, yerrow rorries for gentlemanly libation and tales of derring do

Tuesday 25th June
Wallowbarrow Crag
Thomas (S)
Unknown (?)
Western Wall (MVS 4b)
Bryanston (VS 4b)

PMcG on Thomas P2

AT somewhere similar later on.

BP heads west

P1 Western Wall

BP tackles the sensational P3 on Bryanston

Last day slower pace
Tortoise Crag
More granitation
Six easy(?) pieces on a 12m single pitch slaborama in Eskdale.

NB in flow

Full stream here

BP takes a break from crag clean up duties

Team Wibble at Brantrake Base

Wibble vibes here

More Wibblepics including route topos and more commentary here
(use slideshow view for best results)

All                                - several billion pixels
Trucks and drivers        - access all areas and all round mobility
King George people      - grub and hospitality
Apple and EE               -signal
National Park               - rock festoonery and fabulousness
The Gods                     - weather
Faith                             - in friction, systems, self and buddies

For the record