Wednesday 20 June 2012


Tuesday 19 June 2012
East Raven Crag
Speckled Band VD PM
Jingo VS 4b AT
Mamba S AT
Ornithology S AT

© johnhenderson UKC 17 June with thanks

Crag in shadow upper left

Glorious - perfect weather

PM regrouping ready for the second section of Speckled band


Steep climbing by Jingo!
Pro always at a premium, bring small friends

Memo to AT
Best to clip it when you get it.......  don't get Ravenated!

Top of crag
Langdale at its very finest

White Ghyll looms immensely above the NT car park
Routes shown (NB route shown as Jungle Wall is actually Jingo)

Walk in from the gate through west fence of NT car park, along level path, cross river, then over small beck, shortly after look to right across pasture to gate in wall and track leading up through fearns to screes below the crag - about 25 minutes altogether.