Wednesday 13 June 2012

Dow lightful

Tuesday June 12
Dow Crag A - buttress
Arete Chimney and Crack 97m Mild Severe

NB new boots debut

Bit of rain on P1 - fortunately dow-sisted after a few worrying spells.

Excellent climbing up the arete, some dowtful traditional tactics for the chimney pitch, mounting exposure plus a bit of rope trouble early in the final crack adding to the frazzle factor.

Big route

 High on the arete
© Mudball UKC

NB pays out rope across the traverse


It's a long way dow n

Red sacks just visible left of centre

Fine position high on the last pitch, followed by a scramble to the top.


Just time for a quick one to wash down the crisps

Walk in
12.28 - 13.38
1 hour 10mins
Start 234m
End 516m

Walk out 1 hour 5 mins
7.15pm - 8.20pm