Friday 9 June 2023

Shepherds All Stars

 Wednesday June 7th

Great conditions continue to prevail out west, whilst east of the Pennines the North Sea maintains its malign influence on the local meteorology.  Wondered if Corby's might move back to the top of the list, but the promise of a full day's sunshine swung it so we were back at Borrowdale to select some starred routes at;

Shepherd's Crag

Depart 08.30 for a 10.05 arrival at Kettlewell car park.  Just one party setting off up Adam and by 10.50 AT all geared up to head up P1-2 of the classic Little Chamonix.  Need to hold it together for about 8 metres on polished holds then the route simply swallows gear.

The start to Adam is pretty poky so we pressed on.

CB on the high reaches of Little Chamonix P3

Terrific outlook from the belay corner

Top pitch
CB peeking down top right

Vista from the Belvedere

CB places gear on the upper wall of Derision Groove (MVS 4b)

Rope Ritual
Derwent Water

Today's boat being pushed out.
CB leads Kransic Crack Direct (HVS 5a).  

From here make committing moves through the bulge and out onto a steep wall and positive holds to finish.  AT followed in good order.

Original image © cheeky UKC 

Reaching the good holds in a fantastic position

Original image © Robbie Hearns UKC

Brown Slab Scoop 

CB starting the final run out section, of which there are three on this route.  

The start.  The middle.  And the end.

There is gear, just enough once past the tree and above the moss.

Kransic Crack Direct

Brown Slabs Scoop

Crag very quiet, just one or two parties not doing very much

From the night before
Chuck Prophet
Leeds Brudenell Social Club