Friday 21 April 2023

Twistle Down the Wind

 April 20th

Solid forecast all week, strong sun offset by a gusty wind direct from Scandinavia.  So conditions a bit like last year's trip (almost to the day) to;

Twistleton Scar

Only this time the rays were powerful enough to compensate for the raw wind barrelling down the valley from Ribble head, and the foot of the crag was relatively sheltered and things warmed up as the day went on.  Found some expensive gear left behind at the foot of Priority.

Today's sports venue

As ever

NB makes guest appearance - cycling 32 miles to join in for a spot of lunch and a chat.

Not to mention witness some sensational climbing action!

CB tackles the bulging crux on Fretsaw (HVD)

Photo courtesy NB

CB finds a some gear before the hard bit on Supreme White (S4a).

Seems like all routes hereabouts feature some sort bulge on the way.

CB despatches the one on Priority Corner (S 4a)

AT follows in a fine position

Evening Star continues the S4a theme with a three star rating

Good gear all the way, care required to get it all well set, as is the case on most routes at this venue.

AT found the start on Twilight Wall (HS 4c) way too beefy on the lead.

CB had all the right moves though.  Shame AT couldn't copy them, never got off the ground.  At least it won't go down as a DNF...

Time for one more, a direct start on the very amenable Cold Feet (VD) making it more like Severe

The walk out features some great landscapes

Passing Ribble Head, just as a steam train crossing.


Stone walls
Old Barns

More sheep

Note.  CB only on Twilight Wall

Twilight Wall
Evening Star
Priority Corner
Supreme White
Cold Feet Direct
Angel Delight

Released 20 April 1973 - 50 years ago today

Gear claimed
2 Nearly new v large cams
1 belay plate
1 jacket