Friday 8 July 2022

A Quick One-Two down Borrowdale way.

 Thursday July 7th

Spent Wednesday pottering about and generally taking it easy after our Blockheads day out on Tuesday.  Early evening the phone pinged and CB made an offer I can't refuse, a quick there-and-back out west to the Bowderstone car park and the immediate crags of;

Wodens Face and Quayfoot Buttress

Four and six years respectively since the last contact with these two venues, so an early start to allow time for the multi-crag itinerary, and also an early finish to give CB time to regroup for his drive up to the Borders early evening.

National Trust Card saved a goodly sum

AT set a fairly high starting bar with a nervy lead on Blue Riband (HS4b - route 3 above)

CB followed with a solid romp up Wodens Face Direct (7) at VS 4c. The bulge is turned on the right with some devious footwork

Good practice for what's coming later......

Wimpy Way (S 4a #5) is always enjoyable and finished of an excellent morning.

A quick bite at the car park and on up to the still shady ramparts of Quayfoot Buttress to execute today's core mission

Mandrake HVS 5a.

AT has heard this route calling for a few years now.  

Time to answer it.

These days described as one pitch.

At 44m with a traverse it's a bit much

Opted for an old style 2 pitch effort.

CB arrives at the belay.  An exposed spot.

AT hanging belay facing in off a six point anchor.......

Pictures of P2 not possible from the belay

Taken from the top-out, the leader of the following team making the traverse to below the crux overlap.

Belayer just visible way below.

Photo-montage of CB near the same point

Source pic © Mark Glaister UKC

The following team dealing with the final crux moves.

AT opts to walk off whilst the following team ab-off down an odd line.

Back in the car park in good time for a swift half and home before 6pm.

What a day.