Sunday 29 May 2022

Adventure Playground

 Friday 27th May

Waited out another week of wind and showers to Friday when it's merely windy.  NB and AT homed in on the conveniently halfway venue of;

Brimham Rocks

Not busy with half term families, however an ambulance had arrived to collect an injured climber it was only 10am!  So the anticipation of having an adventure playground to enjoy was somewhat subdued

Missed out the usual starting sector at Cubic block (where getting off the ground is the main problem) in favour of more amenable routes as set out in this list retrieved from NB's personal climbing archive.  

The trees in and around the buttresses helped to dissipate the strong westerlies and the conditions were quite pleasant.  

Headed out to the Cyclops Sector, not done any routes there as yet.

© vincentchopper 


A couple of quick leads then AT suggests we have a look at this on a top rope.  Took a while to rig up the belay to eliminate risk of being pulled of sideways 

Unfortunately it was the left hand arete that was the 4b.  This is Gordon's Proffer at HVS 5a.  Go back to guidebook school AT.

No wonder neither of us could get up it.

Cracked Corner on Cracked Buttress was next on the list, unfortunately it had just been bagged by two guys with an instructor.  

So we pressed on to Grit Corner.
The lay back start is very dirty.

Overcome with some slightly combined tactics.

The top out (upper left) is much steeper than appears from below.  NB swarmed it!  Good effort!

Wandered along to Fag Slab and opted for the open climbing of Fag End.

Nice route on chipped holds,  a bit bold but top out is safe enough.

Headed back to Cracked Corner, good gear with a definite crux.

Called it a draw!