Saturday 3 July 2021

Moors Multiplier

 Friday June 2

Early hours looked very appealing here at BW - it looked like the NY Moors multi-crag option is in play.  So parked at Clay Bank and arrived in good order about 10.15 at;

Ravens Scar

Quite sticky, no wind at all, fly repellant helped persuade us to stay for a few prime routes. 

AT with yet another repeat of Forest Face.

But always great value at the grade with plenty of exposure and variety.

En Passant

BP tackles the grungy start.  The moves up the groove succumb to a detemined approach.

Whatever you do don't go left Mr P.

AT had a look at the direct start on Airlift, too pokey for now so the East Face start seemed the sensible option.

Time to move across to the fresh breezy buttresses over at the;


Relaxing late lunch.
Very much the usual suspects, three Lings and a Sphinx

BP shows the way

Fellow climber tackles a direct option
(it is listed in UKC in fact)


Thought he was about to be heading south but he got some gear in here.


Greatest hits selection