Wednesday 23 June 2021

Hot Scot

 Tuesday June 22

Summertime and the living easy.  When the weather is fine you can touch the sky and you've got climbing on your mind.  Incoming messages from BP and TM combined to create the opportunity for a gang hang at this year's first choice Re-Hab venue.

Scot Crags, Scugdale

TM and MT already in action on arrival at 10.30.  Then who'd have thought it but NP and bro-in-law MW turn up as well!  All very social.

All pics via BP's iPhone, AT's remained at home for a rest.

MT makes elegant shapes on Scugdale Chimney

Zeta Wall right of this

Good 3D action

TM on Zeta Wall

The start is in a micro-zone of excess gravity.

Things get easier higher up

AT takes advantage of MT's offer and follows in deceptive style after a couple of failures lower down.

TM provided the required beta about the decent hold.  No charge!  What a gent.

BP lets slip the dogs of war on Pup's climb

Note finishing moves can be protected by the gold hex

(not the blue one)

All very hot by now, called it a draw at about 15.30

That pint in Potto just evaporated!