Thursday 10 September 2020


 September 10th 2020

Over the last few months NB has mooted the prospect of a return to Lakeland, and specifically another look at one of our regular later season venues, the impressive blob of rock roughness at the mouth of Combe Ghyll.....  Eventually the time and weather was right and we were up early and off to....

Glaciated Slab

The river was well up and took some crossing with the help of a handy walking pole.  No mishaps and we were up at the crag and climbing by 11.30, along with two other parties already there.  What happened to the booking system??  Anyhow the they were all good company and added to the enjoyment of the day.

NB walks in, a lone figure on belay looks on

The sun came out.


Stayed bright for long enough to get a route in.

NB on Trod Tan

Honister Crag dominates the western sky line

Most of todays shots involve other climbers

A Skipton climber on Trod Letherer

Partner follows in fine style

The Moffat leader worries some early gear in on Trod Methera.

It's the last for quite a while

Does well to hold it together all things considered


Moffat climbers finishing off on Trod Dovera

Summit vista

All well worth the Bothera
Great to be out amongst the fells

A well earned al fresco beverage at the Sportsman followed by a lonely drive home with a rocking soundtrack for company