Sunday 15 September 2019

Moving On

Friday September 13th

After almost 21 years we are moving on from our house up in Teesdale
West House, Winston.

It's been a great place and we have enjoyed it throughout, seen the millennium in (The Binge in the Back of Beyond), and three decade busting birthdays.  Now it's time to move on, the garden is not getting smaller, the shops are not getting nearer, the street is not getting quieter, and we are not getting younger.

After a hectic week of packing boxes, trips to the tip and charity shop, we moved our stuff into store and de camped ourselves to Hove.
Lots of Progress by Monday
Fifty cartons bought.  All filled up by Thursday.
Thanks to BP for taking care of all my records,

and Steve for fostering the Guzzi.

The furniture is gone.

Bye bye utility room and shaving station

 Farewell to the very spacious master bedroom

Sayonara study and sounds

Adios to the half acre plot with a stupendous view across the Tees Valley

Dasvidanyia daffs

Arrivederci to the vegetable plots, and so long all you apples

See you later
Little Fudge


Bonjour Briar

All being well
Details click here

Thanks to a great gang of movers

Our stuff has
gone for a Burton.


 Howdy to the new owners

Ben and Jess

and all their stuff!

Hove for a while


Beach life