Thursday 30 May 2019

Scot Society

Wednesday 29 May
BP returns, weather factors mean choice of destination inevitably constrained to somewhere in the NYM where escape to the car is fast and the edge is out of the jet stream, so it has to be another session at this year's GO-TO venue;
Scot Crags!

NB joins in as chauffeur, rapporteur, chien-handleur and pixel-auteur. TM and gang also resident.

BP entertains the crowd with his regular warm-up act

Oak Tree Wall

AT almost ran out of balance a few moments later whilst mincing about below the top moves

BP eyes up the next sequence on Holly Tree Wall

Then finds a home for a bomber wire on Pet's Corner

Poppy looks on eponymously

RD follows

On sight ascent

Animated on Pet's Corner

AT makes a fuss of Pup's Climb

Something very strange is going on with BP's
head and/or helmet on Tooth and Nail

A superbly efficient lead nonetheless

Maybe should leave the brain behind more often

See also this pic

Scot Buttress
Corner Direct Left

BP follows with some bendy moves

RD on Woodpecker Wall (?)

TM in traditional style

The loneliness of the long standing belay

Getting the hang of the Hangover

Meanwhile RD still going strong on Jack's Delight

TM finishes off in characteristically effortless style

Terrific session given the less than ideal weather - good effort by everyone
More photos here

Having fun
SD (sorry no pics!)
and Poppy