Wednesday 10 October 2018

Quantum Grit

October 9th

Once you've described the electron field, the quark field, the gluon field, and the Higgs field, then that's everything covered, or so the theory goes.  But a dedicated bunch of boffins are still busy experimenting with the;

Nothing discreet about the gang of five who turned up on a glorious autumn morning to push some gritstone equations to the limits of known principles and beyond.

Three Trees Climb catches all the photons going early in the day so gets done straight out of the text book

NB follows this with a speedy lead on Snail Crack

BP summons up the energy to tackle the steep finish on Tyrone

Ready to turn up the power

The electron field shimmers in readiness

Once again the ab-routine helped to put a big
t into the day.

CB opts to address the compelling line that is Great Harry.

In this region gravity is doubled whilst friction is halved


BP keeps going

So does the route, relentlessly

CB on the event horizon

BP nears the metabolical limit

AT juggles uncertainty and probability some way above the last gear on Gingerbread

BP passes the same spot later on

Best not to verify that;

v2  =  u2 + 2fs
at this point in space and time

CB found some gear on Meringue, having stuffed siderunners into Gingerbread just by.

CC pronounced it tasty, verified by BP as bomber.

Future lead?

Unknown climber on Great Peter


BP has seen things you people would not believe

NB demonstrates photon multiplying garb

More pics here

Note CC also 2nd routes