Monday 17 September 2018


September 16th

Plan A- Morning at Woden, afternoon at Quayfoot with a Mandrake Mission

However the forecast spell of overnight rain turned out into something more biblical.  After a coffee and buttie at the cafe wandered out to check out the conditions up and behind at

Shepherds Crag

Brown Slabs a bit damp low down but fine higher up where the sun and wind were doing their bit.

CB cuts a typically colourful postion on the way to the belay on Brown Slabs Arete


All routes descent by abseil

Walk off wet and treacherous

First visit to Shepherds Crag -  twenty years ago
on September 13th 1998
Introduction to lead multi-pitch climbing with NP, DP, JW, WA and Harry.  Some pictures from that day.


NP motivating a nervous AT

"Come on
big fellah"

Pretty wet that day as well

Worked our way up the grades....
Great climbing

And Finally

CB disappeared for ten minutes up under Little C and came back with this - apparently there are rich pickings to be had up there.....