Thursday 27 September 2018

Return of the Quarrymen

September 26th

BP been away for a while - time to get the band back together.

Between the northern low and southern high there had to be a climbing window to peek through.  Derbyshire looked a good bet - but somewhere sheltered from the westerlies squeezed between the two weather systems. So must be good to have another look around the climbing at;


Snail Crack seemed a sensible route to get going, surprisingly tricky at the grade best not to rush it.

BP takes care of the final moves on Nova

Just as well it's all a bit flat and dusty up on the top

BP rapps off with matching top and rope

The finishing wall of Tyrone leans out on the left


AT succumbs

Gathering all gumption ready to tackle the sustained section coming up

Turn up the boosters and power up

Limpopo lives up to its name in the lower third but was clean and  dry higher up

The crux moves are satisfyingly close to the top

The gear is big and bountiful

BP impresses a large gathering of field tripping students and gets a big round of applause on topping out

The next route follows the steep twisting crack on the left.

It's three years since AT backed off this with a fit of the gibbers.

Time to man up

The gear is great so why not keep going?

Good to get it done

BP stuffs up the crack and takes a bite out of Gingerbread

Run out finish not for the faint hearted

One more abb for the road

A short walk leads to the as yet untested Roadside Bay

AT tackles a rather oddly named route and finds it quite amenable at the grade

The Big Red Jacket (The Last Wet Wednesday)

Other routes hereabouts either too hard, too bold, or too uninspiring.



So back to the main bay for a stirling finish up Three Trees Climb



A great days climbing for the return of BP from his various travels



Meanwhile a solo shunter makes the most of the late afternoon rays on Boulevard at E3 5c

Bryn Ferranti is 73 today

Monday 17 September 2018


September 16th

Plan A- Morning at Woden, afternoon at Quayfoot with a Mandrake Mission

However the forecast spell of overnight rain turned out into something more biblical.  After a coffee and buttie at the cafe wandered out to check out the conditions up and behind at

Shepherds Crag

Brown Slabs a bit damp low down but fine higher up where the sun and wind were doing their bit.

CB cuts a typically colourful postion on the way to the belay on Brown Slabs Arete


All routes descent by abseil

Walk off wet and treacherous

First visit to Shepherds Crag -  twenty years ago
on September 13th 1998
Introduction to lead multi-pitch climbing with NP, DP, JW, WA and Harry.  Some pictures from that day.


NP motivating a nervous AT

"Come on
big fellah"

Pretty wet that day as well

Worked our way up the grades....
Great climbing

And Finally

CB disappeared for ten minutes up under Little C and came back with this - apparently there are rich pickings to be had up there.....

Monday 10 September 2018

Drive in Saturday

September 1st

Drive to Hove
Meal at Urchin with M and V
Off to Portslade for a Bowie Party

Songs included
Man who sold
Let’s Dance
Boys keep swinging
China Girl
Golden Years
Space Oddity
Modern Love
Life on Mars
Five Years
Young Americans. 
Where are we now