Friday 31 August 2018

Kyloe Stylo

Thursday 30 August

CB back from Catalunya and raring to go.  A quick fire WhatsApp exchange and we were all set, Northumberland said the man so I made a point of studying routes done and to do at Bowden.  That was a total waste of time as the man announced that todays venue would be


A few parties were grouping up on arrival so we made it snappy up to the first outcrops and set up camp in the Saints Wall area.

Parity (L)

Trinity (R)

Another climber on Trinity
Same helmet and shirt as AT so it will do!

 © andymoin UKC

CB at the same move

CB gets gear on the top wall on St Ivel

Four good routes at this sector then on to the next buttress for the much anticipated lead on Elevator

Unfortunately AT's lift only went to the first floor.  Having placed the crucial gear returned to belay level and swapped leads.   CB presses the right buttons to  move on up.  AT follows in good order.  Next time......

CB in the mood

Coldstream Corner requires power, determination and technique.

Unfortunately AT lacking one or more of these ingredients so had to settle for a supper of Pedigree Chum.


Still - brought the gear up for his master.

Conifer Direct used to be overwhelmed by the eponymous tree.

Now it sees the light and is a worthwhile route

Good to get another new one done