Friday 8 June 2018

Gait Thrashing

The weather window holds open.  Very settled conditions for several days across the NW.  Aimed for a re-run at Swirl Crag, in the end followed CB suggestion of exploring new venue up beyond Wrynose to the numerous outcrops known collectively as

Crag took some finding, eventually figured out how to enter grid reference into OS App and tracked it down.  Arrived at upper tier (640m) after 2 hour walk in.

2.2 miles 335m of ascent, including time getting lost, dazed and confused.

Ascent - blue track
Descent - orange
Blue flag - upper
Red flag - lower buttresses

Eventually the upper buttress revealed itself

CB still keeping up a strong gait on arrival at Diamond Wall

Snecklifter at MVS 4b offers a thoughtful opener on impeccable rock.

After AT's pleasant Severe CB spied this line and popped up there

About 4c to start, 4b finish

V remote location

Headed down and across to the lower tier

Passed by the Thrice Claimed Buttress offering a range of grades HS, VS, HVS, E2 and E3 all 10m

Dream Buttress reveals some easier routes at about 18m

AT's line shown
Paul (S)

Finally at the Furrowed Brow sector

CB leads Faulty Tower (HVS 5a)

The 2m pillar at half height seems semi detached

Two bongs and a good sling take care of the finishing moves

Positive holds out right make an exciting and steep finish

Walk out 55mins from here.

Adventurous day out!

 What a rocker!