Saturday 30 June 2018

More Midsummer Moors

29 June 2018

Seemed like there was unfinished business from Tuesday's Moors Multi-Crag.  Had to go back for more of the atmoshpheric climbing at;

Ravens Scar

Todays crag looms darkly above Great Broughton.

Got straight onto Airlift (S 4a)

Catching the morning sun so couldn't leave it alone.

AT gets off at the top floor

 BP bridges up the bone dry Waterslide

 Setting up an ab-station to do some route cleaning

Via Anna gets the brush off

Ready for later

Lazy Bones was filthy

So swapped across on to En Passant

AT wanders blithely up to the groove above a good ledge

About to get a bit of a shock!

The moves up from the next ledge are raight stiff

Tony Marr shows the way

© Tony Marr/Mike Tooke

BP sets up for the thrilling moves up Forest Face

Great position

Via Anna VS 4b - and a bit more?
All buffed up for BP's lead

Gaps in the dots have to be filled in somehow

North Sea weather rolling in

BP deals with the first crux at mid height

The last moves prove problematic in the cold wind blowing mist straight from the North Sea

Business still to finish

Another view
That man Marr is at it again!

© Tony Marr/Mike Tooke
June 2017 

Some beta for next time

Ahab HS 4b

AT has tried and failed on this route numerous times

But not today

Moby Dick is alive and mutinous
* BP all but final 3m.  AT 2nd

The crag wears its grades with considerable modesty

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Day Trippers

Wednesday 28 June

Ride down to Ripon for a visit to Studley Royal Water Gardens and Fountains Abbey


4 miles walked

Tea and Scones

Ice Cream

Great day out for Darby and Joan

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Hasty Bank Bake Off

Tuesday June 26th

Heat wave cooking all the crags up.  Over ambitious plan to the Dovestones canned by an outbreak of common sense.  BP's brainwave adopted gratefully - giving the potential for plenty to do with some sheltered climbing provided by the great NYM multicrag combo of;

The Wainstones and Ravens Scar

NB makes most of the shade on Wall and Ledge

No need to warm up

AT persuaded (with some difficulty) into throwing in some jams and shapes

Another good line

BP opts for the NYM Classic

Small climb with a big feel

Can't say no to one of those

AT follows - clip here

NB can be viewed following there

Ling Buttress
Groove and Crack

NB sorts out the moves into the groove

Nearly gets an eye taken out by a recoiling #7 rock further up.

Dangerous sport this climbing business

AT gets an offset in on the Arete


Slopey finish tamed by hidden foothold

Final route on the 'Stones

No time to linger, all fully baked and ready for some shade over the other side

Forest Face

Great climbing

NB unties to conserve energies for pixels

BP makes some exploratory moves on Via Anna

Gets voted 4c in UKC

Gave it a good go.  But a crucial hold too dirty - backed off.

Will need to come back with time to do some cleaning

Worth coming back for though

Airlift via the direct start

BP steps up into the light

Great climb at the grade

More pics

Chilled out 
Spliffing drive home


Hat makes comeback

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Wibble 2.5 - Slipstoned

June 19 2018
Nine years ago today Operation Wibble 1.0 was in full swing high on Grey Crag
Today's meet lacked the full Wibble parameters of multi-day multi-crag expeditionary force epic but nonetheless worthy of a Wibble 2.5 designation.  Venue being the once popular yet now mainly for the afficionados - the anything but slippy

NB debut.  PM says it looks familiar.  Bob and Ron from York and Filey also put in an appearance and headed off to do their bouldering.  Meanwhile at the left hand end the team wasted no time in getting the rope out.

Base camp swiftly established, with supplies for a full half day

NB ready to get stuck into an opener after several weeks away lounging around in the GLORIOUS ALPS

For some unknown reason AT succumbed to inserting himself into this compelling and attractive line

Best not to ask why

NB gets stuck in with the required gusto

More sensible little route

NB led this rather pokey Vdiff

Note debut of boulderering mat

Provided sterling service all day

PM and BP caught out indulging themselves in some sort of pagan ritualistic Dance of the Stones

PM rocks up

BP illustrates the joy of jamming

NB deploys psychic levitation superpowers

Big bong in

Friend in

Everybody breathes again!

AT gives it a good humping

NB makes great progress

That bouldererering mat works wonders!

AT's turn to feel the amazing effects of combined psychic levitation wizardry

Not to mention the ever magical bouldererering mat

Two friends and a wire take care of the final couple of metres

That boulderererering mat is not helping over there

And where's the levitators when you need 'em?

BP makes some great Slipstones shapes on this sustained severe.


Like they all are

Seconds invent improbable shapes to facilitate stylish progress upwards

This angle gives a feel for how tough this route is for the grade

As does NB's determined body language

It just keeps on coming

Time for a series of short routes in the next bay along before an orderly retreat to the Black Swan

Apparently there's a good hold higher up just between AT's legs

Team Wibble
Cracking Good Effort!

Full set of photos courtesy Mr Pixels himself