Wednesday 2 May 2018


Tuesday 1st May

A weather window opens up - sandwiched between low pressures east and west.  Just under a year since we last visited so time for another run up to

A bright and sunny drive up in a warm car flattered to deceive - pretty breezy at the crag but we made base in a sheltered spot and set about our day at the office.

NB makes an overture on The Flutings, a cracking 2 star intro to the crag

Magic climbing with good gear

Amazing rock higher up

PMcG conducts a grand finale

AT revelling in the rippling rock on Slab Crack

Diff outcrop climbing at its finest

The crack gobbles gear at an alarming rate

PMcG fails to disguise the fun to be had at this extreme grade
NB sets sights on an expedition under the big roof
Wall and Fluted Slab S4a

Steep start then wanders out left to an optional rusty peg belay
NB belays with more modern gear
Climbing calls made by phone!

All the effort comes in the first 12 feet

AT on Cheat at VD

The sun went in
The wind revved up even more

All enough to render this route a bit spicy for the grade

By now all a bit wind blasted.  Called it a draw given the worsening conditions.

More pics here