Thursday 31 May 2018


Wednesday 30th May

Rain forecast everywhere but west.  Planned return to Upper Swirl Crag thwarted by bad accident on A66 near Threlkeld stopping access to Thirlmere.  Decided against mammoth Ullswater detour and veered off instead down Mungrisdale to Carrock Fell and the slabby gabbro of;
Snail Shell Crag

First time for BP, once the stiff walk in out of the way made the most of the fine weather and very amenable climbing, lack of challenge offset by quality and quantity of climbing on offer at this off the beaten track venue.

 Last here in July 2016

BP on Recess Route Direct

All the routes very similar

Nonetheless very enjoyable climbing

Getting into a good rhythm on Rose Tree Route

Another climber all the way from N Tyne on the same line

Grandson (13) on belay

AT visibly struggling to have a good time

Very pleasant spot

Long views to the Pennines

Barkers Slab Direct

Very thin climbing before any gear finally arrives

Short video
Takes a few moments to load

Have you ever been to Electric Ladyland?

Sunday 20 May 2018

Brimmed Over

BP flown back from the Costa on a midnight Ryan.  One day to regroup then straight back out to the well known National Trust gem of
Brimham Rocks

On the day manifested as a very tranquil venue - outside of school and bank holiday mayhem. Plenty of esoterica to go at but in the interest of efficiency and fun stuck to the usual circuit - Cubic Block, Cannon Rock, Lover's Leap and finishing off at Fag Slab up at the far end.

Great Slab makes a great warm up

In-situ rope anchor helped with abseil action

Good to get familiar

But not too familiar!

BP squares up to the high moves on Cubic Corner

Hola Maloja

The crack seemed ready to accept a range of gear but turned out to be choosy.

A few more moves lead to more accomodating situations

BP makes it all look very straightforward

(according to visiting photographer!) 
(with thanks to RA)

BP on Birch Tree Wall

Three clever friends cover the moves up the open groove

Pig Traverse

Multiple factors combined to force a retreat from the crux

But not limited to:

Nesting Birds
Dirty Holds
Lack of Gumption

Smoked a way up Fag End as a bold alt-route

Fag Slab

Well chuffed with a great day

Friday 11 May 2018

Borrowdale Wandering

Thursday 10 May

After a wet spell high pressure back for a day.  Heading West for first time this year - passed through some showers after Penrith so motored down St Johns in the Vale in case south looked better - but turned back to Keswick to stick with Plan A, Woden and Quayfoot Combo.
Quayfoot looked way out of condition so plan B (FW) in play.

Drove back round up over Ashness Bridge to
Goats Crag
A new venue for AT, FW been a few times.  Bitter wind up there at 380m but got stuck straight in to the clean dry rock.
L - Everbody's Dream (S 4a)
R- Son of OZ (HS 4c)
Balancing Act - far left skyline

Balancing Act 
(E1 5b)

FW about to move up to the hard sequence

Another climber
Another day
Another angle

© G Lewis - Evans UKC

 Crux moves well above good gear

Fortunately a couple of small friends go in a bit higher up

Belay well back

V cold wind, abandoned the crag and back to car for a warm up and lunch

Returned to the Bowderstone Car park for two routes on 
Woden's Face

Another extreme tick for FW - then finished the day off on the always amenable Wimpey Way

Back at the car park by 5.45

Quayfoot Buttress now festooned with climbers

Maybe Plan A could have been a goer?

But would have missed out new routes on Goats Crag

Adventurous day out!
First day out in new rock shoes....

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Tour 2018 - Return to the Back of Beyond

May 4th - 6th

Lions Tour 2018

The call of the wild proved too strong to resist, this year's venue a secluded corner of the Lake District National Park, far from the madding crowd.

The weather forecast was promising, no rain in the forecast but cloudy.  How wrong was that??!! - from Saturday morning wall to wall sunshine, blue skies putting the Lake District at its fabulous best.

Itineries (on the whole) as per mission, Rolling on the Ratty, Cruising on the Water, Smoking on the BBQ and not forgetting an obligatory helping of nonsense.


Dev wastes no time getting acquainted with the locals

The Brum Crew arrive after a tortuous hack up the M6


Cue Chilli Feast!

WHOOO HOOOO. Away on the Ratty!



No drinking in the hot tub.....

Should have gone here for the night out?

Sunday plans were best laid

Maybe Dev knew something?


Any chance of a boat? 

 No Boat?

No problem!

 Plan B comes good - ready to board!

Lunch spot


BBQ choice

or Burgers

and Burgers

Plus hand crafted coleslaw

Time to sally forth

Chicks are coming!

A belter!
More pics here

Wednesday 2 May 2018


Tuesday 1st May

A weather window opens up - sandwiched between low pressures east and west.  Just under a year since we last visited so time for another run up to

A bright and sunny drive up in a warm car flattered to deceive - pretty breezy at the crag but we made base in a sheltered spot and set about our day at the office.

NB makes an overture on The Flutings, a cracking 2 star intro to the crag

Magic climbing with good gear

Amazing rock higher up

PMcG conducts a grand finale

AT revelling in the rippling rock on Slab Crack

Diff outcrop climbing at its finest

The crack gobbles gear at an alarming rate

PMcG fails to disguise the fun to be had at this extreme grade
NB sets sights on an expedition under the big roof
Wall and Fluted Slab S4a

Steep start then wanders out left to an optional rusty peg belay
NB belays with more modern gear
Climbing calls made by phone!

All the effort comes in the first 12 feet

AT on Cheat at VD

The sun went in
The wind revved up even more

All enough to render this route a bit spicy for the grade

By now all a bit wind blasted.  Called it a draw given the worsening conditions.

More pics here