Monday 8 May 2017

Raven on the Wing

Sunday May 7th

Another East West split day - grim at Greta Bridge as far as past Penrith, but great after Penruddock.

Making great time so winged it down to Langdale for some fast access climbing at

East Raven Crag

BP gets Speckled Band into the logbook - a nice tick to kick us off.

AT gets the benefit of a clutch of small friends on Jingo

Speckled Band

All cams loaded

Sort the feet out

BP deals with the steep start on Ophidea

Second crux high on the route above small wires.

Good effort youth!!

The start of Watson Wall is anything but elementary over the high stepping overhang.

Gear disappoints

Then disappears.

Bit of a sandbag really.

Grassy slope at top keeps the interest up

Time enough to interrupt the walk down to the pub with a quick zip up Elevate on the main crag.


Refreshed and ready for the ride
White Ghyll towers above