Friday 7 October 2016

Neat Repeats

Thursday October 6th
NB returns.  Another great forecast.  Borrowdale beckons, arrive at sunny Bowderstone car park at a leisurely 11.15.  Four large minivans already parked - uh-oh!   As feared our prime crag already festooned with ropes and excited youngsters.  Back to car to consider plan B.  Seathwaite Slabs?  Glaciated Slab?  Both too late for the walk in.  Shepherds Crag?  Castle Rock?  Too many visits this year already.  Spotted another great lump of rock looming darkly above the car park.  Why not hot foot up there?
Quayfoot Buttress

NB moves confidently on P1 of the classic Quayfoot Buttress (VD **)

Another climber on high up on P2 of Aberration

Gloomy rock but great setting

NB on P2

A delicate traverse then a tricky move up left

This pitch was sopping last time!

More gear before another shiny move


Belay shared with climbers starting P2 of The Crypt (HVS 5a)

Our route completed in good order, exposed descent needing care

Back to the sunny car park for a late lunch and regroup

Quayfoot Buttress
Dotted line - route goes behind
Red           - belay
Blue          - to descent path
(Optional ab from in situ tat, not today thank you) 

Plenty of time for more sport, so wandered across to the sun soaked rock of :-
Wodens Face.
Another Borrowdale Multicrag day!
Thankfully now clear of the young ones

Cheeky climbing in the late afternoon sun

Finished up the right hand crack - always gone left before

Winding down

The route swallows gear until 2/3 height

Then it's no place for wimps

Details as per new Borrowdale Guide
All very tidy
(*) NB led both pitches

Don't mention the Rope Mix Up
Or the Flask Incident
(The walk in clearly wasn't long enough to do just the once)
Or NB's Wandering Bongs