Wednesday 17 August 2016

Double Up

Monday 15 August
Last week's bout of blustery winds and generally poor conditions abated, all options open but the weekend's acqusition of the new Guide meant it would be simply rude not to head out west and make a pleasant valley Monday out of the great weather on the day in

BP hatched up a multicrag equation en route ((SK + WF = B(mc))
So - first venue on the west side of the valley facing the morning sun
Steel Knotts

walk in
Ambling Ant MVS 4b (left) and Route 2 VS 4c (right)

BP reaches the end of the ambling.

From here the route ups the ante

A commiting move out left

A delicate slab follows then a short wall to a block belay

Route 2 has a pretty strenuous start

A case of pro then go!

Time for another runner

Two short bulging walls above prove problematical

A spot of lunch then a swift walk back to Grange and a short drive to venue #2 at the well travelled

Woden's Face

On the right of the crag
Tantalus VS 4c
Been on the to-do list for some time

Inspired by a great pic in the new guide

Well protected

BP in masterful form

Time for an old favourite

Woden's Cheek
VS 4c in the new guide!

Brilliant day out in the endless Borrowdale Summer

 All grades and stars as per new Borrowdale Guide
Tantalus is a 3 star route IMHO

Borrowdale Multi-Crag