Saturday 19 March 2016

Outside Chancers

Friday March 18th
High pressure in charge all week, but outside openings not looking good given the forecast of a cold clag spilling way over the Pennines and penetrating as far as the western fells.  Rolled the dice at 07.50am and headed out on a quest for the essential rays.

Route 66 report
Stainmore - grim, 20 C
Brough - dull  3.5C
Rheged - deathly 3C
(hopes now at low ebb..... but.....)
Threlkeld - glimpses of blue....
Keswick - GLORIOUS! 5C

Wodens Face
Offers right mix of lots of climbing and all day sun with plenty of familiar amenability to help ease the way back into the world of proper rock.

BP building familiarity on the very pleasant real estate of Wimpey Way

Fortunately the difficulties run out at about the same time as the gear.

After AT picks out Custard Creme from today's menu, BP cleans out a crack for the crucial gear on Blue Riband.


AT navigating the big block on Wodens Face Direct

(BP goes straight up on 2nd)

Higher up things get steeper for about 5m

The new Mammut 50m rope handles very nicely

Fantastic climbing up the start of Wodens Cheek

Good effort Mr P
Got to be worth 2 stars surely?

Had a close up look at the VS (Tantalus 4c) further up right - looks promising

Snow on Glarama provides an Alpine vibe

Talkin' bout Way over Yonder...