Wednesday 4 November 2015

Play Misty

Tuesday November 3rd
The late good weather spell out west seems to have just one day left, what else is there but to head for November's GO-TO venue (as per 2011-12-13) in the hope that the sun has burnt it off.

Some hope.....

Fellside sentinel

Looking promising!
By the time we are racked up and ready to go the atmospherics have improved significantly!  Photons by the billion - fill yer boots!

PM pimps his ride on this Solid Severe
(once again the new guide gives more sensible grades!)
Methera follows a line up the right above the shadow

Surprised to be in company

Lake District debutantes all the way from the Wye Valley

Brought a spare rope up for abbing off

Thought better of it, easier to down climb the mod

A word to the Wye's

This aint no limestone......!!

By 2pm the photons were failing in their duty to burn it off....

AT realises that he's never dovered with this route up the arete before

Gotta be done!

Postscript - followed NB on this route 2012


Big mountain VDiff feel with tough start - major contrast with amenable friendly slabby severes

The MVS4b pips up the left through the little roof

Did in 2 pitches for added sport
Seemed rude not to

Love it

Note this picture has been created from two originals, both taken on the day, to capture (simulate?) the atmosphere of the moment