Monday 23 November 2015

First tracks....

What a difference a dump makes

Looking East from Grande Rochette towards Roche de Mio


Same view today

le Premier bash!
Looking West towards Verdons!

More snow possibly coming later this week

Les Houches still no snow.......

Way Out West - Wasdale

Sunday 22 November

Drive over to Woodhow Farm, Wasdale to visit Sally and Dave's new venture, farming in Wasdale

Brilliant atmospherics en route

Arriving in Wasdale


Gable etc.

Woodhow Farm

Includes possible Wibble Base ?
For big expeditions to Gable. Pillar.  Scafell

See here

Irish sea sunset

Long drive home

Moonlight on Skiddaw

Thursday 19 November 2015

Beach Dazzle

Thursday 19th November

Weather window out East, drove that car as far as we could.....

Walked down to Marske

Conveniences rather inconveniently closed for winter
Ship Inn to the rescue!

Nice following wind on return leg

9.6 km
Afternoon tea and snacks at Virgo's - hit the spot

ROF 59

Tuesday 17th
Debut at new Rock Antics venue with NB

Somethings old

Somethings new

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Richmond Overflow

Tuesday November 10

Short walk around Richmond after 2 days heavy rain

River Swale well up!

Great light on return to Winston

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Play Misty

Tuesday November 3rd
The late good weather spell out west seems to have just one day left, what else is there but to head for November's GO-TO venue (as per 2011-12-13) in the hope that the sun has burnt it off.

Some hope.....

Fellside sentinel

Looking promising!
By the time we are racked up and ready to go the atmospherics have improved significantly!  Photons by the billion - fill yer boots!

PM pimps his ride on this Solid Severe
(once again the new guide gives more sensible grades!)
Methera follows a line up the right above the shadow

Surprised to be in company

Lake District debutantes all the way from the Wye Valley

Brought a spare rope up for abbing off

Thought better of it, easier to down climb the mod

A word to the Wye's

This aint no limestone......!!

By 2pm the photons were failing in their duty to burn it off....

AT realises that he's never dovered with this route up the arete before

Gotta be done!

Postscript - followed NB on this route 2012


Big mountain VDiff feel with tough start - major contrast with amenable friendly slabby severes

The MVS4b pips up the left through the little roof

Did in 2 pitches for added sport
Seemed rude not to

Love it

Note this picture has been created from two originals, both taken on the day, to capture (simulate?) the atmosphere of the moment

Monday 2 November 2015

Lakeland November Gold

Another Sunday, another trip out west
Foggy in the East but great in Borrowdale

New walk - Bowderstone car park to Langstrath and back - planned to park in Rosthwaite but caught up in road running race so parked up earlier.  Added two miles extra to the planned circuit.

Great spot for lunch

Nice camping barn nearby
Details here
Near Stonethwaite


Near Rosthwaite

250m ascent
Depart 12.50, finish 16.00, 25 mins lunch