Thursday 3 September 2015

Thirlmere Multicrag

Wednesday September 2nd

NB back in the loop - last time out early August at Eastby.  Once again weather prospects not great as we headed hopefully westwards.  Stopped off at Bramcrag Quarry on route to Swirl Crag - the new guide has a a big spread on this crag - which is almost all bolted.  A team was busy trundling rocks off the lower tier, the upper tier felt quite intimidating with spooky rock and a rather large drop above the main section.  A chat with one of the chaps helpfully directed us to the left hand end where the routes were shorter and more amenable.

A quick confab and we were ready to flirt with the devil.

AT clips first ever bolt and enters the dark side on the suitably named
"Twilight" (F5)

Unorthodox double roping techiques

The next route (Hound Dog F6a) followed the rh groove

This sport stuff offers fine positions

It's all done in a jiffy.... Twin carabiners at the top just like at the wall!

Next stop Swirl Crag about five miles down the road and a 30 minute hike with some fern thrashing thrown in.

Weather's holding up....

NB on Midge Wall, bold start, the crux above has good gear

Working out the moves


Shortly after the sun disappeared for the rest of the day, occasional light showers arrived but the heavy stuff was passing by (a team arrived from Castle Rock - reported a downpour there whilst we were at Bramcrag).

AT has an attack of The Runs after wandering up the start of the HVS 5a next door.  Felt soft for 4c but some confidence needed.

It's 5.15 and the weather's gone to RS.  Time for the PUB!
Midge Wall (L) 
and The Runs