Thursday 21 May 2015

NY Rope Swappers

Wednesday 20th May

or, as properly named on OS map - Barkers Crags

A good weather window opened - venue to suit all members in rare full Team Wibble day out.
Morning dullness gave way to a glorious afternoon, with much hopping and swapping between ropes, partners, routes and pixelators. 69 pictures taken, so just a small selection of the best follow.

PM climbs Blaeberry Crack for an early loosener.

NB with BP on Wolf Whistle HS4b

AT gets pix from up on Scot Buttress

Mono on Hadrian's Wall

Sun and Hats come out over lunch!
Courtesy NB via PM

More routes follow in the glorious afternoon light

Corner Direct Left

NB again
Shapes his way up Nook and Cranny Direct HS4b

AT pulling out the stops on Tooth and Nail HS4c

BP follows in fine style

Jams in


AT selling a Pup (HS4b)
Adjourned to an idyllic local hostelry here