Saturday 20 September 2014

Barons of Triermain

It was the dawn of an autumn day;
The sun was struggling with a frost-fog grey,
That like a silvery crape was spread
Round Skiddaw's dim and distant head,
And faintly gleam'd each painted pane
Of the lordly halls of Triermain,

(from "The Bridal of Triermain" - Sir Walter Scott)

18th September
The extended spell of great weather out west continues, so only one way to go, terrible weather over the Pennines but once past Appleby a whole new ball game
In the interests of maximum climbing minimum walking and known quantities headed down to;

Castle Rock of Triermain

The usual suspects

AT whistles up a well known route

BP makes short work of the tricky crux on Via Media, it's surely worth more than Severe?

Especially when the direct finish option is deployed up the fine wall to the right..

BP steps out of the groove to make for a sporting run out up the final few metres
BP disciplines the kinky yellow rope with some harsh coils

Andy! why this hesitating pause?
Didn’t you take enough quickdraws?
Why sidelong eye the moves so thin
Stand on foot without a slip,
        From hold to hold might safely trip

On the rather mind bending start of Direct Route
Looking for more good gear to keep that friend in good company

And trust thy partners strength; 
nor fear
That this same stalwart arm of mine,
Which could yon oak's prone trunk uprear,
Shall shrink beneath the dodgy gear

Becoming bold, and move up fast.
So! now, the danger dared at last,
Look back, and smile at perils past!

Kleine Rinne

The starting moves are deceptively steep and pretty pumpy

BP approaching the second crux up the short steep corner.

All safely gathered in

Unknown climber on Gazebo (HVS 5a)

South Crag is festooned with routes
Some more poetic license with the pixels...

Via Media
Direct Route
Kleine Rinne 

With thanks to Sir Walter Scott
Full and original version here