Saturday 9 August 2014

Brimham Mission Continued

Thursday 7th April
Just a small part of this extensive prehistoric playground

An early return to make progress on the mission - starred HS/VS routes.  Hard going from the off - pushing the envelope but mostly in control, main problems involved retrieving stuck gear - fortunately nothing left behind except some shreds of skin and more routes left to do from the list.
13 stars

Starting block

Exposed in a fine position (to a gathering audience) on Maloja

AT hangs on to get some good gear in the break before heading left, up, and off.

Had a look at Jabberwok (below) - from the left gains the flake above the climber and exits through the off width niche straight above
(image © stuart100 UKC)
Maybe later......
Wandered along to Cracked Buttress

BP moving up Parallel Cracks

Crux at top with some desperate moves over bulging walls and off width cracks

RH Crack at 4b is well sustained

BP does a great job retrieving highly valued friend

AT leaves some skin behind
Hmmm - the exit crack was a beast

BP organises a group of gear for the crux of RH wall

Route goes to the right of the lower blunt arete, traverses left then up the technical crack - great gear

About to commit
- these moves are proper hard - watch me mate!

BP turns on the jamming and powers up

Pig Traverse has a lot to offer - no owls today but plenty of flutter making the moves over the right leaning overlap, AT hams it up.....

Having ticked off some of the mission list, treated ourselves to a couple of Fags to calm down

Fag End

Very amenable and rather bold

Fag Slab

Well chuffed after an afternoon of some keep-breathing climbing.

Stuff still to do....